Date(s) - Friday, March 28, 2025
10:45 am - 3:00 pm
Join the Master, The Lord Mayor and other Livery Companies for this year’s United Guilds Service. Delivering the Service at St Paul’s Cathedral is The Very Reverend Mark Oakley, Dean of Southwick.
Like other Livery Companies, the Carmen will have a pew with a very limited number of seats, with Carmen prioritised over guests. Those not able to sit in the Carmen pew will be seated in unreserved seating. An Order of Service will be handed out on arrival.
Everyone must be seated by 10.45am.
After the Service, lunch will be provided at Butchers’ Hall, a short walk from St Paul’s. Start of with a glass of bubbly then enjoy a three course meal with red and white wine, tea, coffee and petit four and a glass of port. The cost is £87 per person including VAT.
Dress is Lounge Suit.
Tickets will be issued. Please contact the Deputy Clerk if you have not received confirmation or a ticket by Monday 11 March 2025. Payment is required to reserve your place(s). Unfortunately, a refund cannot be given after the deadline date, except in exceptional circumstances. The deadline date for booking is Monday 17 March 2025. Direct Debits will be taken on Monday 17 March 2025.
Please complete the form below. Alternatively if you wish to download a form, please click here and return the completed form to the Deputy Clerk.