Our Ukraine appeal is operated by The Carmen General Charity (Charity Number 1207722) which was set up to help people affected by the Russian aggression. It works closely with groups in Ukraine as well as ones in the UK who have similar objectives.
The Ukrainians that we work with let us know what items they need most, and we try to provide them. Those needs can change over time (depending mostly according to where and what Russia is attacking) but there is a constant requirement for 4×4 vehicles – in particular pick-up trucks.
To find out more about our current appeals please click here
Previous appeals
Help is on its way.
Carmen received an urgent message this week from a Ukrainian group called ‘Wheels of Hope‘.
Due to the advancing Russian forces 7000 people now need to be urgently evacuated from a town in Donbas and is having to be carried out with mini buses due to the condition of the roads and as larger buses make for easier targets for Russians forces to spot (Yes the Russians are shooting OAP’s and children who are fleeing for their lives)
Freeman Robert Lodge of family business Lodge Coaches on hearing the request waited for a mini bus from his company’s fleet of vehicles to return from its School run where it went straight in to the workshops for a quick check over before embarking on its long journey to take on a new roll saving lives in Ukraine.
( I did not dare ask how the school children will get to school in the morning!!!)
Liveryman Daran Hawkins also donated a Ford Transit to the Carmen for Ukraine. Once he had it serviced and made good, the Carmen passed it on to Taras (Carman in the waiting) from a Support group in Hull.
They travel around the north of England picking up aid to be forwarded on to Ukraine so I am sure the transit will visit Ukraine at some point. has now gone to Ukraine.
Thanks to everyone who has helped so far.
Self by name selfless by nature.
On the 28 April 2010 Liveryman John Self took delivery of his new Audio A4, loaded with all the toys and extras.
Little did John know on that day his pride and joy would end its days in Ukraine, being used by a doctor that lost a limb.
Not only has John donated his pride and joy to Ukraine, he also delivered it to Lodge Coaches in Essex, or the vehicles 4 Ukraine hub as it has now become.
Following an enjoyable visit around the Lodges bus and coach museum followed by a cream tea, John was on a train back home.
John said “Since my Wife Linda and I moved from the Hampshire countryside to the London suburb of Teddington our cars have spent much of the time sitting outside our house. Most of our journeys are now made using the excellent public transport close by. We decided that my car should be disposed of. Knowing of the Vehicles 4 Ukraine charity I offered them my car if they could find a good home for it. They have done so and I am delighted that my car will now benefit the Doctor and his patients which is worth much more than any money I may have got if I sold it in the UK”
Russia has just bombed the 105th hospital in Ukraine.
The hospital has been relocated 20KM further back from the front line and into multiple buildings.
The Carmen have already supplied 3 mini buses filled with aid donated by the NHS.
The driver of one of the other mini buses was part of a TV crew who filmed the trip for Netflix.
The mini buses are used to transport hospital staff and patients.
John’s car will be given to a doctor who lost a limb in the attack.
This will allow him to continue to work as a doctor.
Many thanks to Freeman Robert Lodge for sourcing the minibuses and to Freeman Phil Nash who drove one of them to Kharkiv and a massive thanks to John Self for his act of kindness.
The carmen have just funded and sent 3 mini bus’s to help with the relocation of the hospital further away from the front line. We have also been given 2 van loads of hospital equipment donated. We are still raising funds for this. The doctors have requested 4×4 vehicle to enable them to reach their patients . This was filmed for part of documentary that will be shown on Chanel 4 and Netflix
Fund raising day out
What a day !
The sun was shining in the tranquil village of High Easter in North West Essex parts of which have been unchanged for over a 100 years. However on Sunday 18th August residents were awoken by the sound of vintage 4, 6 and 8 cylinder engines as they sucked in the late summer air through twin and triple carburettors with the odd hissing supercharger or turbocharger. .
257 exhibitors attended, comprising of motor bikes, vintage buses, coaches, and lorries that joined the day along with over 400 cars of people coming to view the collection.
Not quite as noisy was another classic at the gate to welcome visitors, Freeman Derek Mathewson well known from Bangers and Cash TV programme.
The smell of bacon and fresh coffee soon took over from the smell of petrol and the roar of the engines drowned by the sound of laughter and chatting of likeminded people, you could say petrol head heaven! .
We were then treated to a live auto memorabilia auction by the Banger and Cash man himself, with all the profits going to Herts and Essex air ambulance. Liveryman Martyne Fletcher got in to the spirit and is now the proud owner of a pair of front wings for a Ford Zephyr (shame he does not own the rest of the car to go with them).
Sheldon Nichols from TV’s Dream Car Fixers also got on the rostrum to help Derek Mathewson sell some lots. Great fun was had by everyone who bid generously.
Following the auction there was time to get that all important local burger and chips washed down with a ‘Tiptree Jam’ cream tea from their magnificent adapted Routemaster double decker bus. Later in the afternoon the sounds of Glen Miller playing across the five acre site, packed with people and cars, was interrupted by the wail of an air raid siren and music from the film ‘Battle of Britain’. In the distance we could see the iconic shape of a WW2 Spitfire in hot pursuit of an ME 108 Messerschmitt followed by the roar of a V12 Roll Royce Merlin engine, as they swept in to start their display.
Experienced warbird display pilots George Haye (Spitfire) and Clive Denney (ME108) weaved about the skies in a mock dog fight, such a privilege to witness these two iconic aircraft put through their paces above the skies of the village as they had done some 80 years previous. This time though thankfully it was not in anger.
The day was rounded off by free trips for show attendees in open topped vintage buses and coaches around the unspoilt lanes of High Easter.
Aid finally get to Ukraine
Lorry going nowhere! Fully loaded with school furniture and equipment for two classrooms, medical aid and clothing. Basildon Council in Essex have aid for their twin town Borodyanka, Ukraine, that is also loaded and ready to go. Freeman Phil Nash is also ready to go – this will be his 3rd trip to Ukraine. His trusted Iveco lorry and trailer is ready to go.
We have received requests for 2 pickup trucks to be used by a medical group. Many many thanks to Stephen, from Laurence J Betts Farm in Kent, who kindly donated a Toyota Hilux.
We have been donated a horse box with living accommodation. This will be used by crews doing mine clearing. In the back we had a Cat, not a horse. It’s a 6-wheel drive Argo Cat, to be used by the Ukraine Emergency Services. The roads have turned in to mud tracks, and bridges have been destroyed. This will be a valued piece of equipment and was made possible by a very generous donation to pay for the fuel to get it there.
This time, my report has been harder to write, as the war in Ukraine continues with no end in sight and takes its toll. Like me you may find some of this report emotionally challenging.
I start with a story about bringing back vehicles from Ukraine!!
The concept is simple:
- Drive a lorry to the Ukraine full of various items of aid
- Drop off the aid
- Load the lorry with some old Russian motor bikes with sidecar and a car
- Return to the UK with them
- Sell the vehicles
- Buy some more 4X4 pickups to send to the Ukraine with the proceeds of the sale of the incoming vehicles.
In theory this sounds quite simple, in reality it was not, as the TV company who filmed it found out. For the full story please read on…
Phil Nash, a friend of Freeman Robert Lodge, owns V G Nash and Sons – an HGV recovery and workshop company based in Braintree, Essex. He had previously taken a lorry to Ukraine and was happy to go again.
A 12-year old Iveco Stralis, that used to be on his hire fleet, is used as a shunter in their yard. It now has 1 million kilometres on the clock. Phil is so confident in the skills of his workshop, that Phil has chosen this vehicle for the 2500-mile round-trip to Ukraine. Phil said “I have got quite attached to it. This is our 3rd trip to Ukraine! I put on the cruise control and it purrs like a kitten and returns 12mpg”
Phil then borrowed a trailer and a few phone calls later it was loaded with many and various aid items.
Now the real fun starts… Enter Igor Bott, the builder of Carmen’s Hall and a Ukrainian. His brother still lives in Ukraine and Igor needs to help his country. Igor went around Ukraine to find suitable vehicles to sell in the UK so they could be replaced by other 4×4 vehicles to send back out.
Freeman Derek Mathewson of Bangers & Cash fame then valued them using WhatsApp – he needed technical help for this bit! The selection was made.
Now Igor and his brother started on the export paperwork. As it turns out that’s not so easy as older Ukrainian vehicles don’t have much in the way of records. It took forever to discover their origin.
Then a local official came to inspect them. At this point we found out that Ukraine won’t allow some of the old vehicles to leave the country, so the whole process had to be started again!
This time, fully informed, the selected vehicles were issued with number plates so they can be exported to the UK.
What paperwork is required to export vehicles from a war zone? Enter Court Assistant Andy Miles and Past Master Stephen Britt who along with export agents and a UK company that has a Polish manufacturing company spent many hours working together to sort out all the necessary paperwork.
By now Phil and his co-driver Michael Wild have arrived in his lorry.
Eventually Phil is loaded up and he heads for the Poland/Ukraine border where the queue is over 20Km long. Phil makes his way to the front of the queue avoiding a 2-day delay. The barrier to the Ukraine border opens and Phil drives in!
VIN numbers of the bikes and car are checked, the trailer sealed then unsealed dozens of times, paperwork issued, withdrawn and different paperwork issued on more than one occasion. Finally – 35 hours later – Phil leaves the border, £1477.74 worse off and with completely different paperwork.
Eventually, Phil and his trusted Iveco get back to Essex. We met up at Freeman Robert Lodge’s coach depot, along with the film crew from Bangers and Cash and Freeman Derek Mathewson who has driven from Yorkshire to pick them up for sale at his auction.
It was over a well-deserved cup of coffee and bacon butty that we found out that Phil’s wife’s grandfather was a Carman!
Each bike and the car has its own story, being the pride and joy of the owner back in Ukraine. As heart-wrenching as it was for them, they have given them up to keep them safe from the missiles and to help raise funds for their war effort.
These was auctioned live on 22 July on the Mathewson website (www.mathewsons.co.uk); you can even make a bid. Don’t worry if you miss it as it will appear on an episode of Bangers and Cash later in the year.
The whole team will be at Cart Marking in London on 22 July, so please find us to say ‘hello.’
A gift from the heart
Paul Griffin and his wife from Southend-on-Sea, like most of us have been following the appalling situation in Ukraine. While at a car dealership ordering their new vehicle, the salesman asked about part-exchanging their Land Rover Discovery at which point they thought instead they would donate it to Ukraine. After consulting Google, they found the Carmen website and while reading the article on Ukraine and how TV star Derek Mathewson is involved, they had an idea.
Paul had a 1962 Triumph Vitesse which he has owed for 6 or 7 years. Paul had lovingly restored it over time but due to ill health, he was unable to enjoy the car, so they gave it to Derek to auction. Paul donated 100% of the proceeds to the Vehicles for Ukraine Appeal – an amazing £7,700.
A lifetime’s work lives on helping Ukraine
Derby Civil Aid (DCA) is closing its doors after over 40 years, following a number of setbacks. Covid played a part in this with a lack of events to support and volunteers finding alternative causes to help, together with the sad loss of their founder and National Chair, Simon Hill in 2021. DCA had provided First Aid training to the public, clubs and companies. They used to support local charity events such as motor cross, horse racing, steam rallies and many more by supplying ambulances and medical personnel. At their peak they operated 12 fully equipped ambulances and all the staff.
They are left with 4 vehicles and a fully-equipped training centre with medical supplies.
Friend of DCA, Marc Stephens, read how Liveryman John Cribbs had helped by sending vehicles to Ukraine and got in touch to see if we could take theirs.
Court Assistants Mark Ivinson and Graham Hayden along with Liveryman Martyn Fletcher, Freeman-in-the-making, Stephen Hills, and Tim – a friend of Freeman Robert Lodge – made their way to Derby to collect the ambulances. We must also thank our friend Ian Cowley for helpfully driving us about.
On arrival, we were offered the equipment. A WhatsApp video call was made from Derby direct to Ukraine where some very emotional volunteers working on the front line were overwhelmed with the offer. The ambulances were filled with medical and other supplies and we made our way to Freeman Robert Lodge’s coach yard. They were given a once over, before Robert and his friends took them to Dusseldorf, ready for the next part of their journey to help the people of Ukraine.
On behalf of the people of Derby, The Worshipful Company of Carmen and the people of Ukraine, a huge thank-you to Rita Trickett Deputy Chair, to Jill Burd for 40 years of dedication and to David Brown Vice-chair for 30 years’ dedication. Your lifetime work lives on helping the people of Ukraine. They are indeed truly thankful.
Super Hero
They come in all shapes and sizes, ours comes in the form of Tom Tilly, a second-hand car dealer and Volvo fanatic from the west country, who has just completed his 11th trip to Ukraine, delivering vehicles for the Carmen. Tom has also been instrumental in helping buy and repair vehicles, rallying round to get aid. Unfortunately, Tom has to slow down a bit after his last trip due to a knee operation that didn’t go to plan. However, even though he is in constant pain he has just slowed down not stopped. “Tom you’re a star! The Carmen thank you and the people of Ukraine thank you too.”
Tom is obviously a chip off the old block – his mum has managed to find us 2 classrooms of desks and chairs, and 50 laptops. This large package will soon be on its way to the flooded areas of Ukraine.
Matthew Caffell from our friends at St Paul’s church in Cheltenham – who still manage to rally up un amazing amount of aid – held collections to buy pot noodles and breakfast bars.
Helping Ukraine in the UK
It’s not just Ukraine we are helping; a large number of Ukrainian people living in the UK also need help. Help with language skills, setting up for their new life, British culture, form filling etc. The Carmen Benevolent Trust has given £5,000 to a Ukraine Saturday School at All Saints Primary School in Barnet, an organization that does just that. Our contribution is covering over a third of their expenditure on teachers, the venue and teaching materials.
We have also been working with several other charities from the UK, USA and Europe as well as a number of independent groups suppling vehicles. A Ukrainian lady in the UK is making bespoke aid boxes for mothers and babies, including push-chairs and prams. We then ship them out for her.
Thanks to Robert Lodge who sometimes has more ambulances in his yard than buses!
In total throughout June, the Carmen has assisted in supplying 24 ambulances to Ukraine, 5 being supplied by the Carmen.
- Eurotunnel
- Tom Tilly
- Justin’s MOT of Stroud
- Freeman Derek Mathewson of Mathewson’s
- UK TV Play
- Freeman Robert Lodge of Lodge Coaches
- Liveryman Lee Springthorpe of Travelnet Systems
- Peter Lansdell of London & East Coast Securities Ltd
- Phil Nash of V G Nash & Sons
Help us give the people of Ukraine a better life
Our Vehicles For Ukraine campaign is no longer restricted to vehicles!
In addition to the 4×4 pick-up trucks the odd hearse and van, we have also been supplying clothing, arctic suits, boots, breakfast bars, dried food, medical supplies, letters, generators and laptops.
Late on a recent Friday afternoon Carmen volunteers picked up 28 new boxed laptops donated by Silicone Alley, a computer supply company. They were loaded into a vehicle donated by the Carmen. Three days later they were in a school in Ukraine.
That school had lost most of their school equipment, not to mention the school building itself. Staff, parents and pupils were overcome with emotion as they opened boxes filled with new laptops.
However, it turns out that they have no desks or chairs to sit on to use them.
To provide some cheer for the people in Ukraine, young pupils of St Joseph’s primary school in Gloucester have been drawing pictures. These were taken in one of the vehicles supplied by the Carmen.
TV show “Bangers and Cash” donated a picture that features on the show which Derek Mathewson and sons Paul and Dave signed. The show’s production company – UK TV Play – provided a certificate of authenticity and Mathewson’s Classic Car Auctions then sold it for a staggering £640.00. Our thanks go to the buyer for their support (we hope you will be able to hang it on a wall), to UK TV Play and to Mathewson’s who donated all the proceeds to our Vehicles for Ukraine appeal.
At the same auction, SODS’ opera donated a very nice 6.5W diesel generator.
Two more cars have been donated by Carmen. This time they will be loaded with electrical generators, also donated by Carmen.

Derek Mathewson from the Bangers and Cash TV series is also on board (while awaiting clothing as a Carman). Now he has moved to the other side of the rostrum, where he is bidding on cars and generators on behalf of the Carmen. Some even bypass Derek’s accounts department!
During our Cart Marking ceremony in July, some vehicles donated to Ukraine passed through Guildhall Yard on their way to Ukraine to rapturous applause. Since then, Liverymen Steve Burgess (with his wife Margaret) and Martyn Fletcher, together with Graham Harris (Liveryman John Harris’ brother) and Court Assistant Graham Hayden have made the 1200-mile journey to the Ukraine border, with the first vehicles donated by the Carmen.
Since their trip, Carmen have continued to supply vehicles and aid, working with other groups to help them. On average four vehicles are sent to Ukraine each week, all loaded with aid for the homeless and victim’s of the war. .
Vehicles are collected from various auction sites and dealers, including Mathewson’s in Thornton-le-Dale in Yorkshire. Carmen are also helping with servicing and repairs, it’s not uncommon to find a pick-up truck in a workshop surrounded by buses, thanks to Liveryman Bill Hiron and the engineers at Stephenson’s of Essex. Before departing from the UK, they are driven to pick-up points where UK aid agencies, churches, businesses and the odd Rotary Club load them with medical supplies, warm clothing and – more recently – generators.

We thank everyone who has made a donation or helped us to help the people of Ukraine. We can assure you that every single pound is gratefully received and carefully spent. At a time when finances are tight, the help and generosity is overwhelming; and from the most unlikely sources, too – not all Carmen!
The journey from Calais can have its moments but once through French Customs the vehicles continue towards the border between Poland and Ukraine, where they are handed over to Ukrainian authorities for humanitarian use.
Tom Tilley, when handing over a vehicle packed with aid said:
“That was one of the most emotionally challenging and rewarding things I have ever experienced or done in my life and to see a grown man burst into tears when he saw what we have all achieved and made possible really does hit home.”
Want to make a donation? Please click here