Date(s) - Monday, April 22, 2024
6:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Mansion House
THIS EVENT HAS NOW CLOSED. Please contact the Deputy Clerk to enquiry if any spaces are still available. Don’t miss the first joint Carmen and Fuellers’ Woodmongers’ Banquet at Mansion House by kind permission of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor. Although not able to attend himself, the Lord Mayor will be ably represented by Alderman & Sheriff Bronek Masojada and Alderman & Sheriff Dame Susan Langley DBE and their Consorts.
Both the Master Carmen and Master Fueller and their Consorts will receive guests from 6.30pm for a reception under a stunning row of crystal chandeliers in The Salon.
Originally the Mansion House shared the chandeliers to light banquets with the Guildhall, and they were moved back and forth at great risk. In the late 1700s the inevitable happened as they were bringing the chandeliers back from Guildhall: a number of chandeliers were broken. When it was all swept up, the Court of Alderman allowed the Mansion House to obtain its own lights.
The main event follows at 7.15pm in the Egyptian Hall and includes a delicious three course meal with wines, port, tea, coffee and chocolates and the presentation of the Carmen Industry Awards to worthy recipients. Both the Master Carman and Master Fueller will also speak.
The Hall should properly be known as the Roman Hall, as it is based on designs by Vitruvius, the classical Roman architect of buildings in Egypt, with giant columns supporting a narrower attic area. The Italian architect, Andrea Palladio, was much taken by this style in the 16th century and it was very fashionable in the 18th century. The marble statues date from 1854-64 and the stained glass from 1868. The paintwork is close to the original stone colour which, with its gilding, is intended to create a dignified effect, appropriate to this great civic interior.
The dress for gentlemen dining at Mansion House is Black Tie, uniform or National Dress. We request gentlemen wear a black Dinner Jacket (single or double breasted with or without satin or grosgrain lapels) and Dress Trousers with a satin stripe, a white Dress Shirt and black Bowtie. Coloured shirts, waistcoats and ties should not be worn and hosts are requested to advise their male guests accordingly. Women’s dresses should be long or below the knee and shoulders should be covered.
Members and their guests are reminded they should remain seated until after the Loyal Toast.
Mansion House security is tight and all those attending are requested to bring their invitation cards for identification and allow enough time to go through the scanners. Admission will only be possible from 6.15pm onwards. Please do not arrive before this time as entry will not be allowed.
The deadline date for bookings is Friday 12 April 2024. Direct debits for Carmen will be taken on Tuesday 16 April 2024.
Pour Memoires will be issued. Please contact the Deputy Clerk if you have not received confirmation or a Pour Memoire by Wednesday 17 April 2024. Payment is required to reserve your place(s). Unfortunately, a refund cannot be given after Friday 12 April 2024 except in exceptional circumstances.
Please note, photographs will be taken at the event. These will only be sent to those attending the event. If you (or your guests) do not wish to be included in any photos, please let the Deputy Clerk know.
Early application is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment.
The cost is £150 per person including VAT.
THIS EVENT HAS NOW CLOSED. Please contact the Deputy Clerk to enquiry if any spaces are still available.