The Worshipful Company of Carmen Benevolent Trust CIO is how the Livery demonstrates its commitment to benevolence and its support for the industries which employ Carmen.
The charitable work of the Livery has been conducted in a variety of ways over the years. The London Cartage Fund was founded in 1864 and it ran alongside the Carmen’s Fund when that was established by the Court in 1939 until they merged in 1995. The present charity was set up in 2016 to continue the work as a Charitable Incorporated Organization, giving it a legal identity for the first time.
Benevolence is at the heart of our Livery’s activities. Livery companies are among the greatest sources of philanthropy in Britain; and Carmen certainly play their part.
Your Trust is run by seven trustees who are appointed by the Court having regard to a list of recommended persons supplied by the existing trustees. All are Liverymen, with at least two being members of the Court. They are:
- Past Senior Warden Iain Golder (Chairman)
- Liveryman Chris Godbold (Hon. Secretary)
- Past Assistant Stephen Rinsler (Hon. Treasurer)
- Liveryman Sharon Kindleysides
- Past Master David Pugsley
- Assistant Paul Sainthouse
- Past Master Andrew Turner
These trustees meet four times a year to manage the charity and identify new needs within the core objects. The Honorary Secretary will be pleased to explain more, to forward proposals and requests to the trustees and to hear from Liverymen who may wish to become trustees in the future – especially those who may add to the diversity of the existing trustees. Please contact the Honorary Secretary by writing to All requests for financial help for individuals are treated in the strictest confidence.
Click here to download the Benevolent Trust’s latest Annual Report and Accounts.
Click here to download the latest Bulletin from the Benevolent Trust which details recent activities.
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Thank you for supporting the Carmen Benevolent Trust
The Worshipful Company of Carmen Benevolent Trust CIO is a Registered Charity in England & Wales, No. 1164687